November 23, 2018 • Sitecore tips

Sitecore tip 18: enforce naming your items in SXA to make it user friendly

When working with Sitecore Experience Accelerator, the default behavior is that items are named automatically. For pages with lots of little texts this can become a confusing list of items of which you have no clue anymore which items contains which text. The image below illustrates this.

So make sure to at least configure some default behavior for you components by going to /sitecore/content/Tenant/Site/Settings and then opening the content tab. Look for the Datasource behaviour for non-reusable components field and configure as you please.

Just makes the life of your marketers so much easier.

Digital Transformation Lead

Barend Emmerzaal

Experienced digital strategist and digital transformation lead with a passion for generative AI. I focus on creating digital experiences that drives business outcomes.

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