Summarize & listen to article
Using the Marketing Automation tool of Sitecore helps in creating relevant and personal experiences. A powerful option is to use the so called decision point. It can be used to decide which path a visitor follows based on rules. The difference with listeners is that decision points evaluates immediately. Listeners need a certain time span in which the automation engine ‘listens’ if a certain evaluation is true or false.

Possibilities are endless but here are some scenario’s you can think of that can help tailor the customer’s experience even more:
- Add contacts to different contact lists based on a matched profile (pattern match)
- Send a different email based on a contact facet’s value like gender
- Increase the engagement value differently based on the channel
- Move the contact to another campaign if a certain engagement value amount is reached
- Check for certain criteria and remove a contact from a campaign
Remember that you can extend Sitecore with lots of custom stuff like contact facets and matching rules that you can combine in your automation plans.