April 18, 2019 • Sitecore tips

Sitecore tip 31: use the decision point in marketing automation for better user experience

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Using the Marketing Automation tool of Sitecore helps in creating relevant and personal experiences. A powerful option is to use the so called decision point. It can be used to decide which path a visitor follows based on rules. The difference with listeners is that decision points evaluates immediately. Listeners need a certain time span in which the automation engine ‘listens’ if a certain evaluation is true or false.

Possibilities are endless but here are some scenario’s you can think of that can help tailor the customer’s experience even more:

Remember that you can extend Sitecore with lots of custom stuff like contact facets and matching rules that you can combine in your automation plans.

Digital Transformation Lead

Barend Emmerzaal

Experienced digital strategist and digital transformation lead with a passion for generative AI. I focus on creating digital experiences that drives business outcomes.

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