September 9, 2021 • Sitecore tips

Sitecore tip 58: publish goal folders before use goals in forms

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Recently I encoutered a weird error in Sitecore forms. I had a goal configured as a submit action. When the form was submitted Sitecore forms returned the following error message: “An error has occured”. That’s it. Nothing else. The form just would not submit.

Of course you start with the default checks:

Nothing seems to be the issue but the form still did not submit.

Then my colleage Maarten Willebrands (check out his blogs) noticed that the folder structure I had created was not published. After publishing that the form worked. So to conclude:

Digital Transformation Lead

Barend Emmerzaal

Experienced digital strategist and digital transformation lead with a passion for generative AI. I focus on creating digital experiences that drives business outcomes.

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